Monday, October 26, 2009
Quick Longhorn 70.3 Post....
Okay, more to come...6th place...4:28 something....I'm am more than happy with this! You know, it's a big improvement from last year, and I still have a lot of room improvement. With my training this year I really couldn't ask for more. Most of all, It was a great time with my brother Elliot's family in Austin! I had to leave the kids at home with Lucas. Rowan got a severe case of croup the day before we were scheduled to leave, so I drove solo to Austin. Luckily I was entertained all weekend by my nephews Max and George. Pictures to come--my sister-in-law Emily got some awesome ones from Max's triathlon with Ian Crocker! Oh, and my Dad flatted at mile 30. Bummer. Next year, Pops!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Taking up a new sport

All my siblings together

Guess jeans!!

While I was on break this summer we had a family reunion to celebrate my little brother Trevor's return home. In order to satisfy the Jones competitiveness, we started a tether ball competition. I won the women's division. Granted, I only played 1 person, my older sister, I now have a better winning record in tether ball than triathlon! Hmmmmmmmm..........
In training news, my build going into Longhorn 70.3 has been going well. I love the taper as I'm able to get so many things done! I'm trying not to be too OCD and clean like crazy because really the point of taper is to rest, but sometimes I just can't help myself. The most exciting part of Longhorn is my Dad is doing the race. He turned 65 last month. It's always so much for fun to do a race with someone. Also, it's always fun to catch up with friends! With the end of the year just around the corner it's always an exciting time!
Until next time....
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Cycling Shorts

Gwyn insisted that she wear cycling shorts. I mean, that's kind of cool. Instead of asking for dolls she's asking for cycling gear? Then she also asked for a cycling shirt. The next think I know, Rowan is chiming in that he wants cycling shorts and shirt. And these kids are demanding when they fixate on something! I better come up with a cycling kit pronto or else massive discord in the Meyers house. Luckily I found their "cycling kits" in a recent gift from our friends in Washington. Whatever you do, do not call these soccer outfits. These are their cycling clothes--I can only fool them for so long. The XMAS list is getting longer...
And yes, Rowan is wearing a necklace. He stole this from his Gramms and has been wearing for nearly 3 months. It's kind of masculine, right?
Monday, October 12, 2009
On our ride...

Saturday on our ride Duncan said to me, "I stopped reading yer blog. You never write on it anymore." (Yes, I know how to spell "your," this is my attempt to convey is thick southern accent!) Oh, will I get my 3 readers back? I have failed you!!!! To get you up to speed...I took a "break" after Kansas. Partly needed, but partly forced as my kids were out of school and my husband's work forced him to be in the field for a week and then back home for 2 weeks. He did this for four rotations. Training took a hit. While I love Tulsa, it is hard to not have any family near by to help out. Luckily I have an incredibly supportive family and my Mom came up to help the last weekend he was gone. I almost made it!! Soooo, when September rolled around I realized I wasn't in too terrible of shape and decided to stick Longhorn 70.3 on the end of my schedule. I'm excited as last year this was my first half, and I can see if I've improved at all :)
The above photo is from school photos. I'll get one of Gwyn soon. The kids go to a "pre school" at a church here. Last year it was two days a week, and this year it is 3. They go from 9:30 until 2:30 which I found is the perfect amount of time for me to get my workouts in. No messing around if I want it all done! Anyway, the teacher told me after photo day that Rowan really got into it. When I saw the photos I died! This kid is such a cheese! I guess he loves the camera?
I promise to blog better! See you soon!
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