I will keep this brief! I apologize to my avid readers for my lack of blogging. And by avid readers, I mean you, Mom. I raced the Kansas 70.3 the weekend before last. I ended up 7th in just over 4:29, with Chrissie Wellington taking top honors. I wasn't thrilled with my swim and bike, but my run is getting better. The thing about racing Pro is sometimes you end up by yourself, and the bike ended up feeling like a lonely training day. I need to make sure I keep my head in the game, and I know that just takes practice. Also, a better swim always means you're around more people. So, lesson learned! I did get my Clearwater slot--however, I left before I had time to claim it. Gwyn got into household cleaner, "Tough & Tender," which isn't so tender after all. Lucas and I rushed back to take her to Urgent Care, which of course was closed on Sunday evening. So we sat in the ER until midnight. Poor girl had chemical conjunctivitis and a scratched cornea. Then on Monday Rowan got sick...long story short, my "recovery" week was short on sleep, and 5 of 6 days at the ER or Dr.'s office. Ahhhh, the joys of motherhood! This week is the Jones family reunion to welcome Trevor home. Should be fun and full of training partners!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
I take my duties seriously....

I forgot to mention....over Memorial Day Weekend I headed to Louisville, KY for my friend Carolyn's wedding. Carolyn and I went to West Point together and she is one of my closest friends. I was honored that she asked me to be her Matron of Honor. And I proved that I was fit for the challenge...Here I am wiping her sweaty upper lip for the pictures. Now that's showing her the love! I also got to hang out with some other friends from college, my bff Jenn D, my teammate Christine, and Jen C! It was like a mini-reunion! Congrats to Carolyn and Joe!


I knew that I would be hit or miss with the new blog. In my defense, my kids did learn to crawl out of their cribs, which created a sleep disruption in the whole house for a few weeks. But like anything, with time they are napping and sleeping through the night in their new twin size bed! Training has been going great, it's getting hot in Tulsa, and blah blah blah. I will spare you the details. I'm sitting here sweating and not feeling very witty (but am I ever as witty as I might think? Probably not, ask my husband...) The BIG news is...I'm expecting twins again! Okay, not really. Just making sure you're paying attention. My little brother Trevor is back from Iraq!!! He got back this past weekend! After the race in Kansas this weekend, we're headed for a little family reunion, which will be awesome. It's not often we all can get together, and unfortunately we might be missing my brother Jeremy and his wife Pearl. The other news is that they graduated medical school over Memorial Day Weekend, and they are starting their residency at Vanderbilt. I love calling Jeremy, "Docta Jonez!!" like that little Asian kid in Indiana Jones, do you know who I'm talking about? I think maybe Temple of Doom? Who knows, I'm rambling....One last thing...Duncan, don't kill me for telling this story, but every time I think about it I laugh. Duncan, a retired firefighter and upstanding citizen of Tulsa, is doing his first 70.3 in Kansas this weekend. We were talking about his nutrition for the race and I told him there would be water on the bike course. He then says, in a thick Southern accent, "Shoooot, for two hundred dollars there oughtta give us water, gatorade, (slight pause) and wipe my a$$!" Well put, Duncan!! I'll be sure to pass that along!
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